If you had an hour with someone who works at a major record label what would you ask them?

Next week I’m conducting one more interview for my book project ‘The Nashville Musician’s Survival Guide’. Upon a recent review of the book’s manuscript I realized I haven’t thoroughly addressed the role that record labels play in the Nashville music industry. So this has prompted me to set up an interview with one of my colleagues at MCA/Universal Group. I’ve got a full hour to discuss the current state of the ‘record industry’ and would like your input.

I have a few questions I already plan on asking;

  • In regards to signing new artists and acts, what are record companies looking for?
  • Are solo artists more attractive to the label than bands?
  • How important is it for a prospective artist or band to have a following prior to signing with a record label?
  • How does an obscure startup artist in Nashville gain the attention of the labels in a community that is so oversaturated with talent?
  • Do you think FM radio has any future?

These are the first questions that come to my mind, but as I’m not interested in pursuing a record deal I may not be as tuned in to this world as someone who is. I want to know what you want to know. Pretend for a minute that you have the ear of someone at MCA for five minutes. What three questions would you ask? And please, no smart aleck questions like “Will you come see my band next Wednesday at the Cadillac Ranch?” or “Can I give you one of my CDs?”

If anyone out there can present me with some intriguing questions, I’ll include them in my interview next week and post the responses.

Thanks for participating!

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